• AI Self-Guided Tours for Government AI Solutions

Synthetic Data Generation and Privacy Platform for Government

Real-world data is often private, imbalanced and/or incomplete. Gretel quickly generates safe, accurate synthetic data for developers, data scientists, and researchers without compromising privacy. Whether you’re training or optimizing an ML/AI model, sharing sensitive data internally or externally, simulating edge cases and new environments – synthetic data empowers organizations with the desired volume and quality of data they  need, when they  need it.


With Gretel’s low-code, generative AI platform, users can create realistic replicas of real-world data - including text, tabular, or time-series -capturing all the statistical insights while protecting the privacy of personally identifiable  information (PII). Automatically detect, transform and anonymize sensitive information  in your datasets leveraging enhanced protections, using  differential privacy and other state-of-the-art anonymization techniques, to ensure your data is secure and safe to share.


Coupled with the power to generate customized data, on demand, Gretel provides users with advanced data analysis tools and reporting, so you can confidently measure and quantify the quality of your  data before putting it to use. Machine learning and AI models trained with data using our Synthetics API are nearly as accurate as models trained on real-world data - and even outperform real-world data at times.


Governments and public sector organizations around the globe are already adopting synthetic data to accelerate data access and collaboration. Users can quickly gain access to datasets immediately and speed up lengthy approval processes that can take anywhere from 6 months to a year today.


Users can deploy Gretel anywhere and only pay for the data they need. Hosting options include a fully-managed service, with no setup required, or self-managing in your desired hosting environment, locally or in your own cloud. Gretel also offers flexibility depending on the user’s technical experience– generating synthetic data in a web GUI, Software Development Kits (SDKs), and Command Line.


Our customers cut across sectors and include industry leaders in life sciences, healthcare, and financial services, as well as one of the top three cloud providers. Over 250,000 developers have downloaded Gretel's SDKs and have generated more than 100 billion rows of safe, secure, synthetic data.