BRYCK: Low SWaP Petabyte scale data solution to capture and activate data

Public sector organizations have thousands of disparate data sets and typically need to collect and process large amounts of data, whether it is for data analytics, machine learning, and/or AI or just for compliance due to regulations. As the amount of data grows, the physical space and power needs go up but the performance and mobility of the data goes down. Tsecond’s BRYCK® Platform is a petabyte-scale, rugged, small form factor and high throughput data solution that streamlines data capture, processing and transport, regardless of the data’s origin and size. With the BRYCK’s unique capabilities, one can capture up to 1 petabyte of data, process it at high speed and transport it from/to any location (stationary and mobile Edges, Data center or Cloud). The compact form factor and low power consumption of the BRYCK make it an ideal solution to enable public sector organizations achieve their mission objectives.

1. Data Capture: Owing to digital transformation, large amount of data is generated which needs to be captured by different entities of the public sector. The compact and portable BRYCK is capable of storing up to 1 petabyte of data and enables secure data capture and movement at all times.

2. Deployability: Data is generated in unconventional places with harsh environmental conditions making data collection challenging. BRYCK’s unique and patented design addresses thermal and vibration challenges with fault tolerance, allowing for deployment anywhere with ease including remote locations. The BRYCK can be deployed in mobile edges such as ships, submarines, drones and military vehicles, and personnel can hand carry critical data.

3. Interoperability: Large data needs to be transported and shared for cross functional collaboration within different entities of public sector, a process which takes several weeks to months over a network. With high I/O speeds of 40 GB/s, 1PB of data can be uploaded or downloaded in ~ 5 hours and it requires only one trip to share / transport the data, facilitating seamless data exchange and collaboration

4. Workflow Streamlining: Public sector organizations deal with large volumes of data from various sources and often experience bottlenecks or redundancies that impede productivity, waste resources, or hinder the achievement of organizational goals. BRYCK Platform can help streamline data collection, processing, storage, and movement, leading to streamlined workflows with improved operational efficiency.

5. Enhanced Decision-Making: Public sector organizations use data analytics and AI tools to process and get insights on the data relevant to their use cases. The high throughput of the BRYCK Platform accelerates data processing speeds to enable quicker data-driven decision-making. This in turn helps public sector organizations with predictions of disasters, threats and danger.

6. Security: Cybersecurity and safeguarding public information is of prime importance. The BRYCK Platform has a built-in framework to protect and recover data from ransomware while in operation at the Edge or datacenter or during physical transport. It provides self-healing data storage that protects data from all types of failures. The data is encrypted with 256-bit AES with no key storage on the BRYCK.
This allows for enhanced cybersecurity helping public sector organizations safeguard sensitive information, recover from data breaches quickly, and comply with regulations.

7. Cost Savings: Efficient data management leads to cost savings by reducing data storage and infrastructure costs, minimizing data duplication, and optimizing resource utilization.