High Performance Object Storage

MinIO is a high-performance, S3-compatible, Kubernetes-native object store. MinIO delivers S3-like infrastructure across public clouds, private clouds, on-prem and the edge. Enterprises use MinIO to deliver against ML/AI, analytics, backup and archival workloads - all from a single platform.

Remarkably simple to install and manage, MinIO offers a rich suite of enterprise features targeting security, resiliency, data protection, and scalability. MinIO is commonly used to build streaming data pipelines and AI data lakes because it is highly scalable, performant and durable.

MinIO is the only object storage solution to have a major footprint in the public cloud (1M hosts across AWS, GCP and Azure), the private cloud (more than 1M Docker pulls a day), private cloud Kubernetes distributions (Tanzu, OpenShift, Ezmeral, Rancher/SUSE) and the edge.

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