Deliver Instant Self-Service Access to All of your Data for Analytics

Government agencies  of all sizes need help with growing data volumes. The explosion of data has led to data silos across data lakes, data warehouses, and cloud and on-premises environments. Data teams are struggling to provide unified and complete access to all of their data to enable self-service analytics and to control the cost of their analytics architecture.

Why choose Dremio?

Dremio is the Unified Lakehouse Platform for Self-Service Analytics and AI, enabling data teams to provide self-service access to all their data regardless of where it resides. Dremio is the only company that delivers an enterprise hybrid Iceberg lakehouse to the market. Dremio offers unified analytics across all your data and the fastest SQL engine with the best price-performance for Apache Iceberg, along with an Apache Iceberg catalog and Lakehouse Management service for next-gen DataOps, as well as enabling  flexible hybrid cloud deployments.

Unified Analytics: Dremio delivers unified lakehouse analytics for high-performance, self-service access across on-premises, hybrid, and cloud environments. Dremio enables the promotion of shift-left analytics, bringing users closer to their data and ensuring seamless, enterprise-scale analytics without the need for data movement. Dremio streamlines shift left analytics, allowing you to connect, govern, and analyze your data where it resides, without costly and complex ETL processes.

SQL Query Engine: Dremio's SQL Query Engine delivers the fastest and most powerful SQL query performance for Apache Iceberg, optimizing speed and cost-effectiveness across all data sources with advanced memory management, multi-engine architecture, and intelligent autoscaling.  Reflections, Dremio’s optimized relational cache for  query acceleration, and an extensive connector ecosystem ensure near-instantaneous query responses and seamless data querying without the need for complex ETL processes.

Lakehouse Management: Dremio's data lakehouse management service for Apache Iceberg offers Git-like version control and automated data optimization, enabling efficient data management and high-performance analytics. Dremio’s Iceberg-native data catalog provides centralized security and governance, accessible by various execution engines, while Git-inspired versioning allows experimentation without disrupting production.

Federal Dremio Offerings:

Cyber Lakehouse—The Dremio & VAST Cyber Lakehouse is a collaborative solution that combines VAST Data's advanced storage infrastructure with Dremio's powerful data analytics platform. This integrated solution creates a high-performance, scalable, and secure environment for managing and analyzing large volumes of log files and/or cyber data.

Data Mesh - Dremio's data mesh solution empowers organizations to decentralize data management by enabling domain-oriented teams to own and manage their data independently. This approach ensures scalable, self-service analytics across the enterprise, fostering collaboration and agility while maintaining robust governance and data quality standards.   

Hadoop Modernization - Dremio's Hadoop modernization program enables organizations to rapidly and  seamlessly migrate from legacy Hadoop systems to a modern data architecture. By leveraging Dremio's high-performance data lakehouse platform, agencies can achieve greater efficiency, lower costs, and enhanced analytics capabilities without the complexities of traditional Hadoop environments.

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