First Alert

Real-time breaking news alerts for the public sector

Leading AI Platform
Our AI platform processes information from more than 1,000,000 publicly available data sources and translates from 150+ languages. Improve overall awareness by receiving real-time, breaking news alerts from across the public information landscape, including: social media, blogs, information sensors, and the deep/dark web.

The First Alert Advantage

  • Receive the most relevant, actionable alerts that matter to you and your organization.
  • Quickly understand each breaking news alert via single-sentence summaries
  • Receive news alerts by email, mobile, or web-based notifications
  • Streamline communications triage with one-to-many notifications
  • Accelerate validation and response time with global, 24/7 coverage
  • Easily deploy across the organization

Receive the earliest indication of breaking news -- so you can respond quickly to public safety emergencies and events as they happen.

First Alert, Dataminr’s product for the public sector, delivers real-time, breaking news alerts to help you make critical decisions with speed and confidence.

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Carahsoft October 24, 2024
Carahsoft 2:00 PM ET