Vision Genesis Solutions for the Public Sector

T-SQL Source Code Unscrambler 


Product Features:

  • GenesisOne™ application download includes Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Objects, Microsoft SQL Server Management Objects, Microsoft SQL Server Native Client and SQL Server CLR Types.
  • GenesisOne™ enables your ability to browse database structures. The structures shown depends on the database, the minimum level of detail includes Stored Procedures, tables, indexes and constraints as well as displaying information such as column names, column data types, column lengths, column null ability, and primary and foreign key information.
  • Description editor for tables (table, columns, indexes, foreign keys), Stored Procedures (stored procedure, parameters), defaults, rules. Description data is saved using SQL Server extended properties.
  • Errors are captured and shown to end users. They can send the error report to support team and get an immediate response. Meet your audit/SOX requirements easily by keeping up-to-date documentation.
  • Ability to document database in exactly the way the users require.
  • Rich set of output format (PDF, PNG, SVG).
  • High speed documentation creation of the complete database structure.
  • Display graphical view for object relations.
  • It is easily understandable by non-developer.
  • Display summary view for stored procedure and function analysis.
  • Support for all SQL object types, their details and properties.
  • Individual database object selection to include into documentation.
  • Professional looking documentation styles.
  • Create time based snapshot of your Database objects.
  • Keep your documentation up-to-date and in-sync with your development.
  • Reduce the time and cost needed for documenting your databases.
  • Use built-in hyperlinks for easy navigation through your database structures.
  • No more manual update or regeneration of Documents.
  • Save time by automatically generated documentation.
  • Keep teams up to date by distributing documentation.


"By being able to 'unwind' dozens of legacy processes, quickly presenting the entire 'picture', both graphically and verbally, the user can more quickly grasp the complexity of a problem domain, or in other words, getting the "big picture". And therefore save time and money that can better be invested in actually solving the pressing business problem. UnScrambler is a tool that solves the problem of understanding hidden complexity."

New Product Features:

Detailed dependency analysis of the code, down to the column level. This can save days of work digging through code anytime you need to perform an impact analysis!

Graphical presentation of data flow and object dependencies.

New filtering feature that allows you to customize what goes into the report when you select Generate Report