Legendary Supply Chain Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Finance

    The Legendary Finance app encompasses essential components such as Chart of Accounts, Proceed, Cost and Information Centers (PCI), Periods, and PCI Categories (1 - 4). These comprehensive financial management capabilities allow businesses to effectively track, analyze, and manage their financial data.

  • Administration

    The Administration application is where users can find logs, setup, alisases and tools related to the overall Legendary Supply Chain platform.

  • Technical Operations

    Is comprised of configuration for Building, Kitting, Harvesting, and Repairs. Gives businesses the tools and functionalities to efficiently manage these critical areas and ensure seamless operations and in technical aspects of the supply chain.

  • Warehouse

    This application includes configuration for Warehouses, Storage Bins, Inventory, Cycle Count, and Inventory Moves. Allows businesses to efficiently manage these areas, ensuring seamless warehouse operations, accurate inventory control, and streamlined material handling.

  • Project Management

    The Legendary Project application offers functionalities encompassing Projects, Tickets, and Time Worked, providing businesses with a comprehensive solution to efficiently manage project-related activities, track tickets, and monitor the time invested, ensuring streamlined project execution and improved operational efficiency.

  • Purchasing

    Includes essential components like Purchase Orders, Third Party Stock, and Sourcing Items. This robust solution streamlines the purchasing process, offering efficient procurement capabilities for managing purchase orders, sourcing materials, and optimizing partnerships with third-party suppliers. With our software, businesses can enhance their procurement operations, reduce complexities, and achieve greater efficiency in their supply chain management.

  • Order Management

    The Legendary Order Management application encompasses crucial areas like Accounts, Contacts, and Requisition Management, handling transactional sales, stock, and MRO orders. With this comprehensive solution, businesses gain the ability to efficiently manage and process orders

  • Logistics

    Comprised of key functionalities including Stock Receiving, Shipping Notes, Customer Returns, Vendor Returns, and Shipping Vendor Management. Empowers businesses with robust logistics management capabilities for streamlined operations and enhanced supply chain efficiency.

  • Field Service

    Includes functionality for Service Requests, Service Visits, Equipment, Customer Agreements, and Vendor Agreements. Provides capabilities for efficient handling of customer requests, smooth service visits, equipment maintenance, and effective vendor and customer agreement management.

  • Data Management

    The Legendary Data Management application encompasses a wide array of features to organize and maintain crucial data related to materials, manufacturers, configuration trees, classifications, component types, attributes, compatibility, and service types. This comprehensive solution empowers businesses to efficiently manage their supply chain operations and make informed decisions. With our software, you can optimize data management processes, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and seamless collaboration across the supply chain.