DataWalk Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Fraud Detection

    Detect frauds with unparalleled accuracy. With DataWalk’s graph capabilities, you can create and modify your own rules and scores easily, including expert rules, graph algorithms, and machine learning models. The software’s graph algorithms enable you to easily identify “clusters” that may be associated with organized crime groups and alert you when new entities connect to those clusters.

  • Intelligence Analysis:

    Generate actionable intelligence rapidly from large amounts of data across disparate sources. DataWalk lets you combine your internal databases, spreadsheets, public records data, and any other external data into one centralized database. Whether in the office or out in the field users can easily find the data they need—including context-rich 360-degree profiles—while analysts can leverage powerful analysis capabilities including visual querying, link analysis, text analysis, and geospatial analysis. Highly granular security measures ensure that users can see only the data to which they’re authorized.

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Investigations

    Dramatically accelerate your AML investigations. DataWalk provides immediate access to 360º graphical views of any person, organization, event, transaction, or any other type of data. Easily visualize and analyze transaction flows and hidden connections, and quickly identify organized crime networks using graph algorithms and powerful link analysis capabilities. You can also enrich your data by integrating data from key public records data aggregators and automatically extracting open-source intelligence.

  • Cryptocurrency Investigations

    Identify bad actors more effectively with one of the most advanced tools in cryptocurrency investigation. DataWalk seamlessly connects your own data sources to Bitcoin transaction data plus the largest databases of known entities, measurably improving your ability to find digital fingerprints. With Blockchain data downloaded into one central repository, you can correlate it rapidly with our proprietary and partner databases of cryptocurrency entities, accelerating your transaction tracking.

  • Other Investigations

    Streamline investigations of any kind. With DataWalk, you can easily connect all your data in a knowledge graph, and then generate context-rich views of any data element, identify hidden connections, quickly reveal organized crime networks, and identify possible paths between objects of interest.