Blinkly Solutions for Public Sector

Quantum-resistant, end-to-end encrypted email

  • Quantum-Resistant Architecture

    Blinkly’s quantum-resistant architecture guarantees end-to-end encryption (even Blinkly cannot decrypt and read emails; so users’ data can never be surveilled or monetized). Only the sender and receiver of the email has access to the private key to decrypt.

  • Ephemeral Email

    Blinkly's email can be ephemeral, meaning encrypted messages expire automatically after a short lifetime (default setting; customizable).

  • Blinkly Kill Switch

    The Blinkly “Kill Switch” allows the sender to send an email and then later delete the email in her sent mail folder causing the email to vanish from the receiver’s inbox.

  • Reply All

    Blinkly allows users to reply all. Receivers of other end-to-end encrypted email (e.g., ProtonMail) cannot reply all.

  • Stand-Alone Platform

    Blinkly is a stand-alone platform that can communicate with all other email services; yet, the content of Blinkly emails never live on their servers (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo).

  • Accessibility and Deployment

    Blinkly is accessible via a web browser and can be deployed in the cloud or on-premise.

  • Flexible Implementation

    Blinkly can be implemented on Blinkly servers or on-premise in your own environment whereas ProtonMail and other email providers run only on their own servers.