Ayasdi Solutions for the Public Sector

Ayasdi offers a suite of products designed to bring the power of artificial intelligence to the US government while providing unparalleled explainability for the machine’s recommendations and actions. In short, it is AI designed for the requirements of the public sector.

Ayasdi award-winning software suite is comprised of several components:

  1. The Ayasdi Machine Intelligence Platform. The Machine Intelligence Platform combines Topological Data Analysis with dozen of machine learning, statistical and geometrical algorithms to deliver a broad range of capabilities including unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning and supervised learning.
  2. Ayasdi Workbench. The Ayasdi Workbench product is designed for data scientists and technically savvy data analysts. The Workbench visual exploration and analytics layer supports the construction of a variety of models.
  3. Ayasdi Envision. Ayasdi Envision is an application development framework that facilitates the rapid creation of use case specific intelligent applications. The framework supports a variety of user experience models and has full access to the Machine Intelligence Platform.

These products are generally licensed together, however, certain starter packages have license limitations. In addition to the products listed above, Ayasdi offer a robust and well documented REST API and Python SDK.

Examples of intelligent applications include:

  1. Predictive Maintenance - Ayasdi’s technology reduced sensor false positive alerts by 46% for one of the world’s most complicated aircraft resulting in increased availability.
  2. Program Performance Intelligence - Ayasdi’s program performance application increased visibility into program status change by five months, meaning Lockheed Martin was able to predict problems with only a single month of data vs six months previously.

  3. Strategic Budgeting + Planning - Using machine intelligence from Ayasdi, major governmental organizations can see critical overlaps across cyber, data and other areas - allowing them to eliminate redundancy without sacrificing operational acuity.

  4. Simulation + Analysis - The ability to detect unknown unknowns with Ayasdi software is well documented. Now the public sector can apply that technology to critical simulation and analysis challenges.