VMRay Solutions for the Public Sector

  • VMRay DeepResponse
    • As the most advanced malware and phishing analysis sandbox, VMRay DeepResponse helps organizations overcome their challenges in responding to and mitigating file and URL-based threats. With a focus on speed and efficiency, DeepResponse is designed to help you reduce incident response times, improve the efficacy of your threat-hunting efforts, and enable you to start your detection engineering journey efficiently.
  • VMRay FinalVerdict
    • Built on the VMRay Platform, FinalVerdict enables organizations to automate, accelerate, and scale alert triage and investigation. As the single reliable source of truth, VMRay FinalVerdict provides timely insights into malware and phishing threats to increase SOC effectiveness. With over 30 built-in technologies and API connectors, FinalVerdict is highly adaptable to a range of SOC environments and security tools.
  • VMRay TotalInsight
    • VMRay TotalInsight enables organizations to build tailored threat intelligence against the threat landscape they face. TotalInsight is the ultimate solution for Threat Intelligence teams that demand scalability and efficiency in their malware analysis process. Designed for use by elite security teams, TotalInsight offers a fully autonomous platform that harnesses the power of next-generation sandboxes to produce reliable threat intelligence. With its advanced monitoring and detection capabilities, configuration extraction, IOC scoring technologies, and API-first approach, TotalInsight enables you to quickly and effectively analyze even the most evasive malware samples and turn them into accurate, actionable intelligence. Whether you need to automate incident processing, share industry-specific threat intelligence with others, or build a comprehensive threat repository, TotalInsight has you covered.