Varuna Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Water System Operations Tool

    A cloud-based SaaS solution that visualizes historical/real-time water chemistry, lab information, SCADA, pressure, pump, specific energy, wire-to-water efficiency, and energy consumption costs to provide insights to operators for their day-to-day tasks. The tools gathers data from excel, pdfs, sensors and utility-approved APIs. The dashboard alerts technicians of required actions, provides insights from analysis for operator decision-making and generates recommendations to support planning for water system leaders. All served up in a single intuitive dashboard.

  • Water Emergency, Risk and Resilience Tool

    A cloud-based SaaS solution for emergency planning and resilience tracking and prioritizing water system risk. The solution enables water system compliance with EPA's AWIA 2018 regulations and tracks risks that would negatively impact the operators’ ability to provide safe drinking water to customers. The cloud-based resilience software aggregates data from multiple sources under three main vectors of risk—internal, external and systemic—to generate an emergency plan, a resilience plan and and Artificial Intelligence powered Capital Improvement Plan.

  • Interactive Water Risk and Consumer Confidence Report

    A consumer facing cloud-based solution that enables water systems to communicate the state of water quality and system risk to their customers. As mandated by the Clean Drinking Water Act, the consumer report has traditionally lived in static pdfs. Varuna's adaptive and interactive reports ensure that the most recent and relevant information is shared with consumers so they can take the right action and address water issues.

  • Varuna Capital Improvement Planning AI

    An AI-powered cloud-based tool that enables water system leaders to query a database of tens of thousands Capital Improvement Plans and develop a risk-prioritized capital improvement plan for their cities in hours instead of weeks.