Synergist Technologies Solutions for the Public Sector

CSOaaS Offering

Our CISO-as-a-Service (CSOaaS) offering is designed for organizations with data security obligations who do not need a full-time Chief Security & Privacy Officers on staff, or those who with to augment their current operations with additional experience.

Synergist’s hub-and-spoke model for our CSOaaS offering is designed to provide comprehensive security services to our clients. The model is comprised of a center of excellence hub from which a team of experts and senior CISOs collaborate to provide guidance and support to a network of assigned CISOs who are embedded with or assigned to our client companies.

The assigned CISOs perform their duties using on-site, virtually, or hybrid model depending on the specific needs and requirements of their client. They work closely with the hub team to identify and address the client’s cybersecurity risks and develop mitigation strategies.

The central team provides support to the assigned CISOs in a variety of ways. They conduct ongoing training and education programs to ensure that the assigned CISOs are up-to-date on the latest security threats and best practices. They also provide a range of tools and resources to help the assigned CISOs identify and address cybersecurity risks.

The hub and spoke model is designed to create a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration, allowing the assigned CISOs to benefit from the expertise of the central hub team and other assigned CISOs. This approach helps ensure that all client companies are receiving the highest level of cybersecurity support and that their risks are being effectively managed.

CSOaaS Services Include:

  • Security Framework Alignment

    Synergist supports our client in making the most informed risk decisions by aligning to a bespoke security model that is continually monitored and maintained.

  • Identification of Assets & Processes

    The first step to effective risk management is understanding the assets and processes that are critical to business operations.

  • Risk Prioritization

    Because not all risks are created equal, we manage to a risk prioritization process to sequence risk mitigation efforts and identify which risks are being accepted.

  • Timely Review & Update of the Risk Register

    The threat landscape is constantly evolving, including zero-day threat, so a strong emphasis on timely review and updates to risk register is requisite.

  • Data Protection

    We coordinate with our clients to protect sensitive data and ensure its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This includes data loss prevention (DLP).

  • Data Tagging

    Synergist develops a scheme to tag and classify data according to sensitivity and risk level.

  • Access and Identity Management

    AIM (Access and Identity Management) ensures that only authorized users have access to data and resources in an organization, allowing for secure and reliable access across all users.

  • Risk Identification & Prioritization

    Through assessment and implementation of security controls, we can help you identify, evaluate, and prioritize risks to ensure maximum protection of your data and systems.

  • Modernization Services

    Synergist assists in modernizing IT infrastructure per the risk prioritization defined above.

  • End of Life Support Remediation

    Per risk prioritization, we address security vulnerabilities in unsupported systems