Skydio Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Incident Overwatch
    • Skydio drones significantly enhance incident overwatch capabilities, providing unparalleled real-time aerial perspectives that enable law enforcement and first responders to assess dynamic situations effectively. Integrating Drone as First Responder (DFR) programs, Skydio drones are deployed to arrive ahead of ground units and offer live-streamed situational awareness to all stakeholders. This advanced deployment strategy leads to improved decision-making, minimizes the risk of use of force, and ensures better outcomes for both first responders and the communities they serve. The seamless integration of Skydio drones into policing operations signifies a transformative shift towards more informed, efficient, and safer incident management.

  • Crash & Crime Scene Documentation
    • Skydio's autonomous drones transform crash and crime scene documentation by capturing comprehensive data more quickly and accurately than traditional methods. This technology allows first responders to clear scenes faster while ensuring the evidence collected is detailed and courtroom-ready. The documentation process is streamlined, reducing operational time on scene and enhancing the quality of evidence for legal proceedings. Using Skydio Map Capture and 3D Scan, users can quickly create 2D images and 3D point clouds for diagramming and forensic analysis/reconstruction purposes.

  • Firefighting

    In firefighting operations, Skydio drones provide critical situational awareness through real-time aerial intelligence. These drones can navigate through dense smoke and complex environments to identify hotspots, track the progression of fires, and ensure the safety of personnel on the ground. The use of Skydio drones in firefighting not only enhances operational efficiency but also significantly improves the safety and effectiveness of firefighting teams.

  • Search & Rescue
    • Skydio drones revolutionize search and rescue missions by covering vast areas quickly, even in challenging or remote environments. Equipped with thermal imaging, these drones can locate individuals faster and in low-visibility conditions, significantly reducing search times. Skydio's autonomous flight capabilities and obstacle avoidance ensure that search and rescue teams can focus on the mission at hand, saving valuable time and increasing the chances of a successful rescue, while being able to fly low and through various environments with ease.