Live Oak Solutions Services

  • Stimulus Funding

    The COVID-19 crisis and consequential shift to remote learning exposed gaps in connectivity at home. The shift back to in-person learning has exposed gaps in schools network infrastructure. Let Live Oak Solutions help maximize stimulus funds to make necessary upgrades to infrastructure and prepare to address the learning gap.

  • Montessori

    A visionary educator, Dr. Maria Montessori believed that when children are given the freedom to choose their own learning activities a self-confident, inquisitive, creative child emerges.

    Live Oak Solutions trained Montessori educators will provide schools with transferrable methods to enhance the classroom learning experience and educate the whole child.

  • Smart Schools Bond Act

    The Smart Schools Bond Act appropriated $2 billion to school districts for technology and infrastructure upgrades. Many school districts throughout New York state have yet to access millions of dollars in funding. Lack of internal capacity to navigate the lengthy Smart Schools process is the predominate reason. Live Oak Solutions staff have helped secured millions of dollars in funding.

  • Grant Opportunities

    Access to competitive grant funding is critical to help schools deliver equitable instruction compared to wealthier counterparts. Live Oak Solutions has proven experience not only securing grant funding for schools. The deadline for the New York State Learning Technology Grant is quickly approaching. Is your district interested in additional funds to enhance teaching and learning? Live Oak Solutions is ready to assist your district to plan and submit your application.

  • Special Education Strategies

    IDEA regulations define "specially designed instruction" as "adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology or delivery of instruction (i) to address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability; and (ii) ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children." (34 CFR Sec. 300.39(b)(3)

  • Strategic Planning

    Access to alternate funding is a means to an end. That end is improved teaching and learning. Live Oak Solutions has experience working with building staff, district leaders, and community stakeholders on assessing need and aligning newfound resources to district goals. Let Live Oak Solutions provide resources to help develop a new technology plan that not only leverages the newest technology but also aligns with district-wide strategic goals and outcomes