ElectrifAi Solutions for the Public Sector

  • ​Medical Codes Representation Models

    Pre-trained and reusable models for representation of CPT, HCPCS, ICD10 codes in a lower-dimensional space to capture medical codes relationships. They can be used in a variety of cases, especially when a large dataset is not available.

  • ​Medically Unnecessary Services

    Identifies procedures that have not been performed but have been charged for by analyzing the patient's procedure and diagnosis history, as well as claim physician details.

  • ​Missing Charges

    Identify missing charges in a provider's claim.

  • ​Overutilization

    Identify providers charging for services (a particular pharmaceutical code) more often than the average provider in the same specialty.

  • ​Provider Clustering

    Reflect healthcare provider's actual activity and define clusters of providers corresponding to their specialty, subspecialty, patient demographics, etc.

  • ​Skin Marking Classification

    To help identify skin mutations to support clinical decisions and diagnosis. Non-melanoma skin cancers, such as Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCC), are the most common human skin cancers. By inputting an image (.jpg, .png, or .bmp), the model outputs a probability value between 0 - 1 indicating a likelihood of BCC or SCC skin cancer. The model does not do disease detection or symptom extraction.

  • ​Specialty/Procedure Mismatch

    Identify claims where a procedure/service doesn't match provider's specialty that may result from coding errors or intentional actions.

  • ​Unnecessary Charges

    Identify unnecessary charges in a claim to prevent denial by an insurance company.

  • Upcoding

    Identify physicians who charge more high value codes compared to the average physician in the same specialty and patient demographics.