House of Representatives - Box BPA

General Information

The Box Blanket Purchase Agreement provides the House of Representatives with a way to purchase House Enterprise Box Version subscriptions and consulting services. This agreement offers:

  • Pre-discounted rates leveraging the buying economies of the House in whole
  • Allow for mid-term allocations to co-term to a single renewal date
  • Aggregate centralized renewal w/ support to assist House/CHA in charge back to member offices
  • Provide access to Box Services (consulting and training on an as needed basis)
  • Leverage government approved terms and conditions along with House rider per House specific services levels



Please complete the following form below. Indicate your house office that will have responsibility. Note that all licenses will be prorated to align with the current BPA expiration of January 21, 2022. All added and currently owned box licenses will be renewed for one year on January 21, 2022. Once the form is filled out you will receive your official pricing for the requested purchase, please direct all purchase orders or credit card orders to or 877-733-2007.