Axway's DCOS Resources

Check out the following resources to learn more about Axway's solutions.

Why Appcelerator?

Appcelerator views mobile analytics as a key component of a larger mobile lifecycle management challenge and is the leading provider of the solution suite to enable large enterprises to fully realize the value of their mobile strategy and build towards mobile centers of excellence. Download this resource to learn more.

API Management with Axway

Axway 5 Suite for API Management lets you develop, integrate, secure and manage APIs in a unified way — across projects, developers and communities — to reap the full benefits of the API economy. It’s used by hundreds of companies on-premise, as a cloud service, or as a hybrid solution to open up existing IT assets as APIs and Web services, and to integrate with partners for B2B interactions. You can adopt new cloud services and integrate them with on-premise applications, plus deliver new mobile apps and a seamless multichannel experience. With Axway, organizations can ensure the security and compliance of APIs, and complete projects up to 10 times faster using existing resources for a higher return on investment.

Validation Authority Suite

Around the world, banks, healthcare organizations, governments, and defense agencies rely on public key infrastructures (PKIs) to secure everything from enterprise networks, to multi-million dollar electronic transactions, to military facilities. Within these PKI environments, protecting high-value assets — whether they are product plans, financial data, patient records, or physical locations — requires both vigilance and diligence. Axway Validation Authority (VA) Suite offers a comprehensive, scalable, and reliable framework for real-time validation of digital certificates and access permissions within PKI environments. VA Suite is Certificate Authority (CA)-neutral and provides support for multiple CAs, several different trust models, and CA-specific validation policies.

Axway Cloud MFT Service in the IRS

The IRS had to enforce legislation on reporting foreign financial account of U.S. taxpayers by implementing a secure data exchange system among hundreds of thousands of global partners within 6 months. Check out their success story with Axway by downloading this whitepaper.

The Curious Case of API Security: Solving the Top 11 API Threats

APIs are simultaneously a great benefit and a significant threat for the enterprise. Serving as gateways to important functionality and data, APIs enable enterprises to make key resources available to developers, mobile apps, consumers and other companies. This benefit is what also makes APIs a threat, because they represent an extremely valuable target for attackers. The job for security architects is to ensure that APIs offer the right functionality without also giving attackers a key to the enterprise kingdom. That’s trickier than it sounds. This paper explores the most critical API threats and the corresponding countermeasures to help you thwart them.

The Digital Business Era is Here

Although the term “digital business” has been kicking around for a while and has carried a variety of meanings, it is now solidifying as a term explicitly used to describe an emergent business ecosystem that will soon dominate the way business gets done. Regardless of how individuals or businesses have thought about digital business in the past, it’s time for a reset. Download this whitepaper to learn more.