Veritone Industry Solutions

AI Solutions for Government

Drive Efficiencies Up, Costs Down and Keep Communities Safe  — Built for Public Safety and Justice agencies, Veritone’s AI-powered solutions and turnkey applications for government rapidly extract actionable intelligence from large amounts of data, including video and audio evidence used in investigations, surveillance, and criminal justice.

Flexible. Scalable. Future-proof. FedRAMP Authorized.

Proven AI for Government

  • Suspect Identification — Identify Suspect Leads Faster

    Veritone IDentify is an easy to use software application that automatically compares video and photographic evidence with known-offender and person-of-interest records. It enables agencies to identify suspect leads quickly and accelerate case clearance.

    suspect identification

  • Evidence Redaction — Automated Video & Audio Evidence Redaction

    Powered by head detection and transcription engines, Veritone Redact is a turnkey software application that automates the redaction of video, image and audio evidence. Redact works with all commonly used cameras, video or audio formats and is hosted in AWS GovCloud, Microsoft Azure Government and supports CJIS compliance requirements.

    evidence redaction


  • Transcription & Translation — Automated Transcription and Translation of Evidence

    Translate email, text documents, and even the transcribed text (supporting 70+ languages and dialects) from government audio recordings such as jail calls and interview room conversations. Once translated, the formatting of the original document can be retained and turned into searchable data to surface relevant evidence quickly.

    transcription & translation


  • Early Case Insights — Interrogate Large Volumes of Evidentiary Media

    Veritone Illuminate enables law enforcement investigative teams to rapidly and cost-effectively search, analyze, and explore large amounts of audio, video and text-based evidence.

    early case insights

  • eDiscovery — Discover Evidence with AI-Powered eDiscovery

    aiWARE makes eDiscovery of unstructured ESI, including dash camera, body camera, CCTV, interview room and other audio/video evidence assets possible in leading eDiscovery platforms including Relativity, RelativityOne and OpenText Axcelerate. Search transcripts for keywords relevant to your case, allowing you to review more evidence faster, and limiting the amount of evidence sent out for manual, court-certified transcription.


  • Intelligent Surveillance — Intelligent Video Surveillance

    Leverage various cognitive capabilities, including facial and object recognition as well as transcription and translation AI engines, to intelligently analyze moments captured by video surveillance systems for unauthorized acts or potential threats.

    intelligent surveillance


  • Flexible AI Solutions — Custom End-to-End AI Solutions

    Build customized, intelligent solutions on top of the aiWARE platform to meet your agency’s evolving missions. Easily dock different data sets, cognitive engines and applications rapidly, without costly changes to infrastructure or disruption to analyst workflows. Adaptable integration supports data feeds from most devices and video management systems.

    flexible ai solutions

  • Custom AI Engines — Easy to Train, Custom AI Engines

    Deploy intelligent solutions with cognitive engines trained on your data set to meet your specific use case and mission requirements.

    custom ai engines

Organizations Leveraging Veritone

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