RiskRecon Disover™

RiskRecon Discover™ is a fully-automated solution that produces security scores and risk-prioritized issue counts of any organization with an Internet presence. 

Scores and Ratings Diagnostic

RiskRecon Discover™ produces an initial analysis that provides scores and issue counts along with summaries for overall portfolio performance. This provides a one-time performance summary and establishes a performance baseline for the aggregate portfolio and each individual vendor.

Ongoing Score Tracking and Alerting

Once the initial RiskRecon Discover™ diagnostic is completed, RiskRecon will then regularly update each third party’s performance approximately every 2 weeks using the same automated process. For each of the more than 40 RiskRecon security measures, Subscriber administrators have the ability to configure alerting thresholds specific to your organization’s risk policy. This results in: - access to regularly updated scores and risk-prioritized ratings - automated alerts whenever specific vendor security issues exceed Subscriber’s risk tolerance - insight into aggregate and individual vendor performance trends