Harness the Power of Your Data with MongoDB Atlas for Government

Secure, Resilient and Scalable Cloud-Based Database for Government

Harness the Power of Your Data with MongoDB Atlas

Data is a critical asset for building the software that government agencies need to successfully modernize their legacy infrastructure environments. A modernized database will allow public sector development teams to build faster, smarter and more secure applications utilizing their data.

MongoDB Atlas, a multicloud data platform, enables agencies to harness the power of their data by building and managing it in the cloud. Access the whitepapers to learn how Atlas allows developers to store data as JSON-like objects in application code and comes equipped with preconfigured security features for authentication, authorization and encryption.

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Resilience and High Availability With MongoDB Atlas thumbnail
Resilience and High Availability With MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB Atlas Data Platform Shared Responsibility Model thumbnail
MongoDB Atlas Data Platform Shared Responsibility Model
Scalability with MongoDB Atlas thumbnail
Scalability with MongoDB Atlas

Download the resources to learn how your agency can harness the power of MongoDB Atlas!