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Government Events and Resources


Archived Events

Cofense Webcast

Event Date: June 22, 2022
Hosted By: Cofense & Carahsoft
With 70% of government breaches caused by phishing, and the public sector being the second most victimized industry, the importance of aligning cybersecurity priorities is even more critical to winning the war against ...
Cofense Webcast

Event Date: March 16, 2022
Hosted By: Cofense & Carahsoft
You don’t have to look far to find a headline about a recent breach or compromise within any sector but from a public sector, phishing was behind 70% of government breaches. As threat actors continue to innovate their approach to lure ...


Ivanti Neurons for Healthcare: Improve Asset Visibility and Security Risk Mitigation for Medical Devices
Solutions Brief

Ivanti Neurons for Healthcare: Improve Asset Visibility and Security Risk Mitigation for Medical Devices

Millions of healthcare IT and medical IoT devices are used to care for patients and streamline clinical workflows in healthcare organizations, but their inherent vulnerabilities to malware and cyber-attacks place hospitals and patients at risk. Connected medical devices represent a huge challenge for healthcare IT, biomedical and security organizations. They can’t be disconnected because of their critical roles in patient care and IT network infrastructures, and standard IT solutions can’t secure them. This leaves hospitals exposed and jeopardizes patient safety, data confidentiality, and service availability.

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