A Growing Realization That Hybrid Cloud Makes the Most Sense

Tricia Fitzmaurice, the Regional Manager for Law Enforcement and Justice at Red Hat.

You've seen federal agencies moving workloads back from the cloud and back on premise for a cost savings there. A cloud strategy is really the most important decision that an IT manager is going to make in the federal space. So designing how they are going to develop a flexible hybrid cloud infrastructure that will enable workload portability becomes very critical. So, as they're looking at the workloads that they have legacy today and maybe making decisions around, does that legacy system make more sense to reside here in a data center? And maybe they don't close the data center.
How do they infuse a DevSecOps culture into their organization, and how do they take the fear that individuals may have about their current job and what that may look like in the future if they start to work together in a different type of capacity?
But as you start to break down those barriers and people start to understand exactly where their fear resided initially. And you break that down and you are able to build up that trust of working together in this collaborative type nature. And they start to see the results. You start seeing it like "Oh, hey, that was very successful." We were able to get a workload through a security ICD pipeline out into production in a matter of days. We want more.