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            industry leaders in Cloud Computing report

Learn the latest trends in cloud for state and local government

As state and local governments scrambled to respond to new COVID-driven requirements, cloud allowed them to deliver on their missions with chatbots, web portals, video hosting platforms and expanded remote work capacity. This may be a make-or-break moment for jurisdictions newly converted to the cloud. IT leaders must now evaluate and rationalize the multiple cloud solutions they adopted so quickly, and agencies face choices on where new cloud solutions will fit best within their technology environments and how to optimize costs.

GovTech Cloud report cover
The COVID response showcased real-world benefits of the cloud, and that experience is likely to accelerate a trend that was already underway as governments focus more attention on modernizing old systems and applications in the wake of the pandemic.
The pandemic response proved that governments could innovate when the chips were down, and the cloud was a key enabler of that success:
  • More than half of state government systems and applications can be moved to the cloud, according to most state CIOs.
  • 900 million meeting and call minutes were logged in a single week using cloud-based Microsoft tools this March, the company said, an increase of 37 percent.
  • 40-45,000 calls a day were placed to the West Virginia unemployment insurance office in late April using a platform that had been launched in three days in March.

Download the full report to learn how your agency or municipality can take full advantage of the growing momentum behind cloud to increase capacity and flexibility, reduce risk, and improve efficiency. Featuring insights from leaders in cloud at Red Hat, McAfee, AWS and SAP NS2.