Enjoy Your Successes, Now Figure Out How to Continue IT, Process Improvements
Featuring Phoebe Nerdahl, Public Sector Lead for Atlassian.
Yes, and I think that there’s always been a really hard balance to strike between innovation and security, right. A lot of times newer products are continually changing, they’re more agile, making sure they have the right certifications. I know that’s been a key strategy for Atlassian specifically, as we’re accelerating our journey to cloud, making sure that we have our FEDRAMP roadmap in place, that it is strong, that we know we’re gonna be able to deliver quality SaaS products in a secure manner, and I think that moving to an entirely remote work environment has really melded the two, and for both government agencies and vendors alike, brought to light the need to make sure that you can be innovative, you can be new, but you can still put an emphasis on secure delivery as well.
Obviously in public sector, there’s some data that is accessible, there’s some data that can’t be accessible for security reasons. So it’s a double-edged sword. I think that you still need access to that data and usability of it in order to achieve both the priorities and missions that you’ve been charged with as a public servant, but you have to make sure that the right people have access to the right data. So again I think it ties in that balance of both innovation and security that you see more in public sector than you do in any other industry.