A Unified Identity: Login and Customer Experience

While in-person services used to be the primary channel of access to Government services, this is no longer the case as more customers turn to digital services. To provide excellent Customer Experience (CX), the Government must prioritize creating digital channels for customers to sign up, apply for and purchase Government services. During Carahsoft’s 2023 Customer Experience and Engagement Summit, panelists discussed how agencies can create an easy-access experience for customers that is unified across all Government agencies.

Simple, United Services

Carahsoft Customer Experience Engagement Summit Part 7 Blog Embedded Image 2023Customers want easy access to services, and this requires a secure, trusted, personal Government-issued digital identity. Having an individualized login allows customers to establish their identity online before completing important tasks, such as making child support payments or searching for unemployment insurance. To be as secure and validated as possible, these logins should be operated by an organization that does not have a motive to leverage private information to sell customer data for profit.

To maintain the core principles of effective customer service, logins should have a common set of controls that validate digital identities. To create a reliable login account, there are three core principles to follow.

  1. Logins must be usable by everyone including constituents without a bank account or a home. Employees cannot have implicit biases and must be ready and willing to serve everyone.
  2. The data that people provide must always remain private. With a Government-issued digital identity, customers will be providing sensitive information to prove their identity. This must be protected to preserve trust in the Government.
  3. Programs should be based on private sector technologies. Government agencies do not need to reinvent or reimagine technology. Rather, they should leverage products that are already built well and bring them together in a way that employs the best innovation in the private sector.

The Benefits of Accessibility

Having a digital identity could allow customers to have a single account that is accessible across Federal, State and Local Government. When customers need to transfer to a different department, an identity-tied login creates an easy way to share their history with new agencies. Centralized login accounts can connect the customer through various platforms, such as email, phone call, in-person and online. IT (information technology) is one of the few categories that has a spending increase into the double digits, which reinforces technology as the primary trend in Government innovation.

As with any digital ability, security concerns must be addressed. Since control of login credentials allows control of identity and data, agencies need to know that the person who is logging in is not an impersonator. By privatizing accounts and their login information, this avoids the information being manipulated or sold.

Government agencies are in the best position possible to combat this. The White House allocated agencies a budget to address CX initiatives. Panelists expressed that many excellent partners in the industry are ready to deliver on these cybersecurity initiatives. For the first time, CX is part of the President’s Management Agenda. The entire administration unified around the agreement that CX is vital to the Government, and the digital sphere must be the first step in reconstructing CX. With this support, agencies can spearhead the movement in providing simple, effective and secure service to elevate CX.


Check out the rest of the 2023 Government Customer Experience series to learn more about Carahsoft’s insights from CX industry thought-leaders at the summit.

To learn more about the latest in the CX landscape and how Carahsoft’s industry-leading partners can support your Customer Experience initiatives, please visit our resource hub to access all on demand recordings and information from the 2023 Government Customer Experience and Engagement Summit.

Program Executive for Customer Experience and Engagement Solutions at Carahsoft

With experience in federal, state and local government, and education sales, Tiffany is a strategic contributor to Carahsoft’s success in the public sector market. Under Tiffany’s leadership, sales for the Citizen Engagement, Law Enforcement and Geospatial portfolios have grown exponentially, as her teams provide innovative solutions that support the public sector’s need to integrate, store, edit, analyze, share and display valuable geographic information, and deliver engaging, meaningful services and content to citizens.

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