Communication and Creativity While Working Remote


Current Changes in Creative Collaboration

Creatives may each have different styles, but if there’s one idea that team members can agree on, it’s that working together fosters creativity. Whether you’re photographing a business event, redesigning an office interior, or building a mobile application from scratch; a team that works together can accomplish incredible things. Unfortunately, for most creatives in the government and commercial space, the solidarity of working as a team was disrupted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic about a year ago to this very day. This sudden shift in our daily lives forced many groups to make drastic changes to their routines and work schedules very quickly.

While more modern commercial setups transitioned seamlessly into working remote, the government space needed to adapt while still adhering to security and safety protocols. Many teams have adjusted to their new state, and this past year has proven that apps and tools that focus on collaboration have allowed teams to continue to thrive even in a remote environment. The value of communication and the ability to share working concepts is vital to keeping fresh ideas and revisions rolling in.

Adobe Communication/Creativity Embedded Image Blog 2021Adapting to New Modes of Collaboration

When adapting and transitioning teams to a comfortable situation such as working from home, it’s critical to ensure that avenues for communication beyond the phone are in place. There are many business oriented applications teams use for collaboration such as online messaging apps, which allows teams the freedom to communicate freely and also encourages file sharing and review. These types of applications, despite being used for quite some time, are really coming to the forefront due to the ease at which they allows teams to actively work together. In light of most government teams working remotely, these programs that foster interaction have taken on an almost unprecedented role in how we share our ideas. In many ways the simplicity with which teams can collaborate over such long distances has encouraged more interactions and provides faster turnaround on fresh ideas.

Safe Digital Sharing

Creative assets are the building blocks of any intuitive project. Whether your team is constructing content entirely from scratch or working with premade templates and videos, being able to share the options that a single user has available is an incredible timesaver. A team that can collaborate and share ideas simply and easily will always excel, even from the comfort of their own homes. Many current software offerings have built-in sharing capabilities that allow for internal or external sharing.

Certain features to check for in order to ensure secure sharing may include adherence to certain compliances, as well as government accreditations. Many platforms in the digital marketplace fulfill these security requirements that are often essential in the government space, while allowing users to effectively share ideas online when in-person may not be safe or effective. Working together has always been the backbone of producing incredible content; so explore this and many other features to take your work with others to the next level and thrive despite the distance between us.


The Adobe Government Creativity Awards, the world’s premier creativity and design competition for government professionals, recognizes and celebrates talent and creativity in government and how agencies across the public sector are making an impact through creativity and design.

Check out entries from last year’s competition to get a sense of the projects your peers are submitting, and then take this opportunity to have your work showcased and potentially recognized with an award from Adobe in next year’s competition. To learn more, visit our competition website.

Adobe Creative Cloud Product Specialist Team Lead at Carahsoft

Gary is a Product Specialist Lead and an accomplished creative product specialist with more than eight years of experience in the Adobe creative family of applications. Initially trained in photography and graphic design; over his five years at Carahsoft he has expanded his expertise to cover the entirety of the adobe creative and document cloud. Gary works with a wide range of government teams daily and provides instruction on licensing and administrative operations as well as support for LGA and Enterprise level operations.

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