Clarity to act when it matters most.

Trusted expertise, powerful technology, advanced AI, and industry-leading insights help professionals know today and navigate tomorrow.


As a government official, you face intense pressures every single day. But we know from experience that you have an unwavering commitment to your mission: do the best possible job of serving your community.

We’ve developed a unique understanding of your diverse challenges as well as your priorities, and that has given us the insight to design solutions with unrivaled breadth of domain expertise, trusted content, and intelligently connected technologies.

Our solutions support a wide range of missions to help your everyday.

  • HighQ: Optimize and simplify your department with HighQ, our legal operations platform. HighQ’s easy-to-use matter management, collaboration and document-sharing capabilities, including its customizable portals, set it apart from other solutions.
  • Fraud Analytics: Through our program integrity and fraud solutions, we ensure that public funds are properly managed and protected from fraud, waste, and abuse. Spot patterns with our Fraud Detect solution, and track and create cases to share across your department with our Case Tracking solution.
  • Case Center: Streamline the way you prepare, collect, mange, and review digital evidence with our centralized cloud-based solution.

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